March 1947 - Betty Strider and Wofford Locke %%
1944 - Betty's Senior Picture %%
Sarah Anne, Vivian holding Cherry, Dewey, and Wofford - Locke Children from 1945 %%
From Left to Right: Dewey, Joe G, and Wofford %%
1944 - Sarah Anne, Joe G, Wofford, Vivian, and Dewey %%
1999 - Robinson Christmas %%
Henry J. and Annie S. Locke %%
Wally and Nancy Robertson %%
1920's - Alice Strider %%
1945 - Betty and Winborn Strider %%
JBM Wofford and Sarah Ellen Wofford %%
Rev Ben Wofford Birthplace marker %%
July 2003 - Robertson Children %%
Arthur Hayden Locke family %%
1825 map of southeastern York District, S.C. %%
Melinda Shurley Locke @ 1890 %%
John Calhoun Locke 1898 %%
Washington P Locke, Alice and Bea circa 1904 %%
Mattie Locke and Lon Helms 1937 %%
Mamie Locke Boyce (center) with brothers and sisters 1946 %%
Walston and Ruth Locke with Marie and Junior in 1924 %%
Cordie Locke (left) with Friends %%
Virginia "Jannie" Locke age 1 and age 60 %%
Elizabeth Bea Locke circa 1910 %%
Ferguson J L circa 1895 %%